Monday, 31 July 2017

Monday 31 July - please keep praying for Phoebe

During today we have received the following updates (UK time) from Rachel and Matt.

Phoebe has had a fever all night which doc this morning has just told us is a good thing as it indicates she's more likely to be unwell from an infection rather than shunt malfunction . They'll run more tests today and we're waiting to see neuro surgeon.

Please don't worry, we feel calm and are in good hands xx

Also, Reuben slept well and woke cheerful so that's an answer to prayer too.

Please pray! Phoebe is deteriorating somewhat and neurological signs are getting worse. They are about to lumbar puncture to test for viruses.

Phoebe is currently in procedure for a lumbar puncture; they are concerned that she could have a virus in her cerebral spinal fluid.

Please pray with us and for us.


During the day Rachel has also written this more reflective piece, highlighting our confidence in God:

Two nights ago I was drinking wine on the veranda, watching a beautiful sunset over calm lake waters under the stars after a day of boat riding, swimming, jet skiing and feasting. Last night I was napping my way through a night of hospital machines beeping interspersed with distressed cries from my poorly and exhausted daughter, horribly reminiscent of so many such nights 2 years ago. Within a few hours our circumstances are so different, but our God is the same, and there is so much comfort in knowing that the one who made and sustains the lakes, stars and sunsets is the one who made and sustains my sweet girl.

Thank you

Marcus and Jen