Monday, 14 August 2017

Monday 14th August - back home!!

Last Thursday we wrote about Phoebe being out of ICU, and were rejoicing in that news.
Phoebe playing just before leaving the UK!

Yesterday (Sunday 13th) Phoebe was finally discharged from hospital and arrived back home!! 
She, Matt, Rachel and Reuben were so pleased. After all the scares, air lift, pain and confusion of the past two weeks a sense of normality has returned!

For those of you with access to Facebook, there is another lovely video of Phoebe and Matt in the hospital saying "We are leaving the hospital now!". See:
(If you are not already part of this group you can request to join it.)

We are so grateful to our Father God for his help and support through this tough ordeal, and many thanks too for all who have prayed and sent us messages.

We echo the words of the hymn:

Praise God from Whom all blessings flow
Praise Him, all creatures here below
Praise Him above, ye heavenly hosts
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost.

(which you can hear this on YouTube:

Thank you and blessings

Marcus and Jen

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